Russell Simmons’ Rape Accuser Claims He Fled to Indonesia to Avoid Prosecution

Although the music mogul has said that he’s taking a long sabbatical in Indonesia for “spiritual enlightenment,” one of the women who’s accused Russell Simmons of sexual assault believes he’s hiding out in the country to avoid prosecution.

The Blast is reporting that they’ve obtained documents that show that the unidentified woman had planned on sitting Simmons down for a deposition, yet she now believes that he’s “fled to Indonesia which has no extradition treaty with the United States in an apparent attempt to protect himself,” later adding that “It is unlikely he will return to the United States to be deposed in this case and face arrest and imprisonment.”

The anonymous woman had previously accused him of raping her back in 1988 after a Def Jam concert, as Simmons is attempting to get the case thrown out “unsubstantiated allegations” while noting the statute of limitations.

It should also be noted that while Simmons had previously traveled to Bali over the years, most recently he stepped down from all of his companies and has yet to return. With that said, he’s previously denied the woman’s complaint that he believes is motivated by publicity and extortion.

Source: TheBlast